HOJO Johnson League

DMB Fantasy Sim League

90's Champions

Year Division Team GM
1996 McMasters Club Clayton Pat Burwitz
1995 McMasters London Whitesnakes Jim Burwitz
1994 Wallace The Edge Pat Burwitz
1993 McMasters Old-Time Rottens Ed Rauscher
1992 Wallace The Edge Pat Burwitz
1991 McMasters Georgia Satellites Jim Burwitz
1990 McMasters Team Bono Pat Burwitz

80's Champions

1989 McMasters Georgia Satellites Jim Burwitz
1988 Wallace Beverly Hills Cops Jim Burwitz
1987 McMasters Chatham Rockets Chris Feld
1986 Wallace Columbus Keatons Jim Burwitz
1985 Wallace Oz Wizards Chris Feld
1984 McMasters Bono Pat Burwitz