Regular Season Team Batting Totals -- Retro
Regular season

Mid-Century Modern Rottens .296 .359 .486587097717403193224493857410179628
Oz Wizards .287 .360 .448579397016612825618192766584814353
BeverlyHills Cops .290 .364 .462572995116633264319189864787815949
the Edge .300 .380 .467575595117283035418391274583110842
Rotten Pals .290 .358 .4845805949168632249235922613112120059
Team Bono .272 .359 .424557592715172745515587674775123479
Tony+25 Rottens T-Rotts .292 .353 .412589592117212995210186757577622449
Chatham Rockets .282 .354 .465579290516343404221285962696811243
Old-Time Rottens .287 .340 .47758388891673299342498524718595623
The Church .283 .357 .44957388841622283282058356559637035
London Whitesnakes .283 .350 .458574688016273263520284057597915867
Larry Mullen Jrs .271 .347 .441565886715332573221382864993415650
Georgia Satellites .264 .343 .44656158261483277352257976508953626
Kal Daniels Band .267 .334 .4205695807152125237182765548106722073
Club Clayton .274 .339 .4315733804157328558166763549106117971
Columbus Keatons .264 .327 .4195680781150226463163747521105919157
Totals .282 .352 .45091917142892588447087053107136269810150072342804

Mid-Century Modern Rottens1626552292020591390 1028.7 6.3 .190 .8272855 6.0
Oz Wizards1626610373549661400 953.9 5.8 .162 .7962598 6.0
BeverlyHills Cops1626523503136611470 980.1 6.1 .172 .8222648 5.9
the Edge1626632382329651830 1030.9 6.4 .167 .8422688 5.9
Rotten Pals1636542405217671430 1017.5 6.2 .194 .8482811 5.8
Team Bono162647448343568991 903.0 5.6 .152 .8012366 5.7
Tony+25 Rottens T-Rotts162661018315171930 904.6 5.5 .120 .7522427 5.7
Chatham Rockets1626542463326521520 954.8 5.8 .183 .7992694 5.6
Old-Time Rottens1626436362428621451 934.4 5.7 .191 .7732787 5.5
The Church1626511353026571610 918.8 5.6 .166 .7742576 5.5
London Whitesnakes1636458431343511510 915.7 5.6 .174 .7852629 5.4
Larry Mullen Jrs1626434393532561420 879.7 5.4 .170 .7732493 5.4
Georgia Satellites1626396544028491520 859.5 5.3 .182 .7532505 5.1
Kal Daniels Band1626363412936421301 807.4 4.9 .153 .7322393 5.0
Club Clayton1626398324237471260 840.8 5.1 .157 .7422472 5.0
Columbus Keatons1626306351113571120 796.3 4.9 .155 .7202381 4.8
Totals25941037876214835069302215314717.3 5.6 .168 .78341323 5.5

Mid-Century Modern Rottens .84540.4436.234688 .3193429 .5233458 .528 1.8
Oz Wizards .80940.8035.764879 .3033263 .4943300 .499 1.3
BeverlyHills Cops .82640.2735.364757 .3093295 .5053345 .513 1.4
the Edge .84740.9435.524835 .3203433 .5183471 .523 1.1
Rotten Pals .84340.1335.614533 .3203424 .5233464 .530 1.8
Team Bono .78439.9634.414773 .2853113 .4813161 .488 1.0
Tony+25 Rottens T-Rotts .76540.8036.395140 .3153002 .4543020 .457 1.3
Chatham Rockets .81940.3835.754690 .3033320 .5073366 .515 1.5
Old-Time Rottens .81839.7336.044821 .2953258 .5063294 .512 1.8
The Church .80540.1935.424653 .3053231 .4963266 .502 1.5
London Whitesnakes .80739.6235.254659 .3063204 .4963247 .503 1.7
Larry Mullen Jrs .78839.7234.934599 .2873142 .4883181 .494 1.4
Georgia Satellites .79039.4834.664572 .2753155 .4933209 .502 1.4
Kal Daniels Band .75439.2835.154525 .2962941 .4622982 .469 1.9
Club Clayton .77039.4935.394590 .3073021 .4723053 .477 1.9
Columbus Keatons .74638.9335.064528 .2962902 .4602937 .466 2.0
Totals .80140.0135.4375242 .30351133 .49351754 .499 1.5

vs LHP
 Versus Left-handed Pitchers
Mid-Century Modern Rottens .306 .365 .486 .8512070633951483327196336
Oz Wizards .267 .337 .451 .7891724461671772271181301
BeverlyHills Cops .314 .380 .513 .8931749549911377281195255
the Edge .315 .403 .510 .9131565493851762270234247
Rotten Pals .285 .356 .455 .811184852693670267197337
Team Bono .292 .374 .452 .8261677490941846272231229
Tony+25 Rottens T-Rotts .280 .339 .412 .75221005891012542285192305
Chatham Rockets .280 .362 .473 .83416564641131360247210269
Old-Time Rottens .295 .353 .507 .8601917565931197291174254
The Church .271 .334 .438 .7721840499961163253174316
London Whitesnakes .291 .355 .472 .8281836535120766265174287
Larry Mullen Jrs .272 .356 .440 .796173847371769264227229
Georgia Satellites .248 .317 .407 .72420465081031067255199314
Kal Daniels Band .250 .307 .395 .702175343979555224138348
Club Clayton .288 .354 .441 .7941929555110757250196342
Columbus Keatons .262 .316 .433 .7491976517932168248154361
Totals .282 .350 .454 .80429424829615042021054427030724730

vs RHP
 Versus Right-handed Pitchers
Mid-Century Modern Rottens .291 .355 .487 .8423800110722418161611378681
Oz Wizards .295 .370 .447 .8174069120021539109656484547
BeverlyHills Cops .280 .357 .440 .7973980111423530114617452623
the Edge .295 .372 .451 .8234190123521837121642511584
Rotten Pals .293 .360 .498 .8573957116022943165655416784
Team Bono .263 .353 .413 .7653898102718037109604516522
Tony+25 Rottens T-Rotts .298 .360 .411 .771379511321982759582383471
Chatham Rockets .283 .351 .462 .8134136117022729152612416699
Old-Time Rottens .283 .334 .463 .7973921110820623152561297605
The Church .288 .367 .454 .8213898112318717142582481647
London Whitesnakes .279 .347 .451 .7983910109220628136575401692
Larry Mullen Jrs .270 .343 .441 .7843920106018625144564422705
Georgia Satellites .273 .358 .469 .827356997517425158542451581
Kal Daniels Band .274 .345 .431 .7763942108217332127541410719
Club Clayton .268 .331 .426 .7573804101817551109513353719
Columbus Keatons .266 .333 .412 .74537049851714295499367698
Totals .281 .352 .447 .8006249317588320450320539356673810277