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Current team:
1996 The Church / Chris 4 (AL)
Abreu, Bob
Aldrete, Mike
Alexander, Manny
Allensworth, Jermaine
Amaro, Ruben
Andrews, Shane
Arias, George
Arias, Alex
Ashley, Billy
Aude, Rich
Ausmus, Brad
Ayrault, Joe
Banks, Brian
Barberie, Bret
Barron, Tony
Bartee, Kimera
Bates, Jason
Batiste, Kim
Battle, Howard
Battle, Allen
Bautista, Danny
Beamon, Trey
Belk, Tim
Bell, David
Belliard, Rafael
Beltre, Esteban
Benitez, Yamil
Benjamin, Mike
Bennett, Gary
Bogar, Tim
Booty, Josh
Bordick, Mike
Bournigal, Rafael
Bowers, Brent
Bradshaw, Terry
Branson, Jeff
Brede, Brent
Brito, Jorge
Brito, Tilson
Brooks, Jerry
Brown, Kevin
Brown, Brant
Brumfield, Jacob
Buford, Damon
Bullett, Scott
Busch, Mike
Butler, Brett
Cairo, Miguel
Cameron, Mike
Candaele, Casey
Canizaro, Jay
Carr, Chuck
Casanova, Raul
Castellano, Pedro
Castillo, Alberto
Castillo, Luis
Castro, Juan
Cedeno, Andujar
Cedeno, Domingo
Chavez, Raul
Clark, Phil
Cockrell, Alan
Cole, Alex
Coleman, Vince
Crespo, Felipe
Cruz, Fausto
Cruz, Jacob
Cummings, Midre
Cuyler, Milt
Dascenzo, Doug
Davis, Russ
Dawson, Andre
Decker, Steve
Deer, Rob
Delgado, Alex
Delgado, Wilson
Devarez, Cesar
Devereaux, Mike
Diaz, Einar
Diaz, Alex
Difelice, Mike
DiSarcina, Gary
Dorsett, Brian
Doster, David
Dunn, Todd
Durant, Mike
Dykstra, Lenny
Echevarria, Angel
Eenhoorn, Robert
Encarnacion, Angelo
Espinoza, Alvaro
Estalella, Bobby
Faneyte, Rikkert
Fasano, Sal
Fermin, Felix
Fonville, Chad
Fordyce, Brook
Fox, Andy
Franco, Matt
Frazier, Lou
Gagne, Greg
Gallego, Mike
Garcia, Carlos
Garcia, Karim
Garciaparra, Nomar
Garrison, Webster
Gates, Brent
Gibralter, Steve
Gil, Benji
Giles, Brian
Giovanola, Ed
Glanville, Doug
Goff, Jerry
Gomez, Leo
Gomez, Chris
Gonzales, Rene
Goodwin, Tom
Goodwin, Curtis
Graffanino, Tony
Grebeck, Craig
Greene, Charlie
Greene, Todd
Guerrero, Vladimir
Guerrero, Wilton
Gutierrez, Ricky
Gwynn, Chris
Hajek, Dave
Hale, Chip
Hall, Mel
Haney, Todd
Hansen, Dave
Hardtke, Jason
Harris, Lenny
Hatteberg, Scott
Hernandez, Jose
Hernandez, Carlos
Herrera, Jose
Hiatt, Phil
Hocking, Denny
Holbert, Aaron
Hosey, Dwayne
Houston, Tyler
Howard, David
Howard, Thomas
Howard, Matt
Howell, Jack
Hubbard, Mike
Hubbard, Trenidad
Huff, Michael
Hulse, David
Hunter, Brian Lee
Hunter, Brian R.
Huson, Jeff
Hyers, Tim
Ibanez, Raul
Jackson, Damian
James, Dion
Jennings, Robin
Jensen, Marcus
Jones, Dax
Jones, Andruw
Jones, Terry
Jones, Chris
Jordan, Kevin
Jordan, Ricky
Kelly, Pat
Kelly, Mike
Kieschnick, Brooks
Kingery, Mike
Kingsale, Gene
Kirby, Wayne
Knorr, Randy
Koslofski, Kevin
Kreuter, Chad
Lampkin, Tom
Leius, Scott
Lemke, Mark
Lennon, Patrick
Lesher, Brian
Lieberthal, Mike
Liriano, Nelson
Listach, Pat
Livingstone, Scott
Lopez, Luis
Loretta, Mark
Lovullo, Torey
Lukachyk, Rob
Luke, Matt
Machado, Robert
Magee, Wendell
Malave, Jose
Manto, Jeff
Manwaring, Kirt
Marrero, Oreste
Martin, Norberto
Martinez, Sandy
Martinez, Manny
Martinez, Pablo
Marzano, John
Mashore, Damon
Matheny, Mike
May, Derrick
McCarty, David
McCracken, Quinton
McIntosh, Tim
McKeel, Walt
McMillon, Billy
Meares, Pat
Mejia, Miguel
Mercedes, Henry
Miller, Orlando
Milliard, Ralph
Mirabelli, Doug
Mitchell, Keith
Molina, Izzy
Montgomery, Ray
Moore, Kerwin
Mordecai, Mike
Morman, Russ
Mosquera, Julio
Mottola, Chad
Mulligan, Sean
Munoz, Pedro
Munoz, Jose
Murray, Eddie
Murray, Glenn
Myers, Rod
Natal, Bob
Newfield, Marc
Newson, Warren
Nieves, Melvin
Nixon, Trot
Norman, Les
Norton, Greg
Obando, Sherman
Oliver, Joe
Ordonez, Rey
Orsulak, Joe
Ortiz, Luis
Osik, Keith
Otero, Ricky
Owens, Eric
Owens, Jayhawk
Palmeiro, Orlando
Parent, Mark
Parker, Rick
Peltier, Dan
Pemberton, Rudy
Pena, Geronimo
Pena, Tony
Pendleton, Terry
Penn, Shannon
Perez, Robert
Perez, Neifi
Perez, Eddie
Perez, Eduardo
Perez, Danny
Perry, Herb
Petagine, Roberto
Phillips, J.R.
Pirkl, Greg
Plantier, Phil
Posada, Jorge
Pozo, Arquimedez
Prince, Tom
Pritchett, Chris
Pulliam, Harvey
Quinlan, Tom
Raabe, Brian
Reboulet, Jeff
Reed, Jody
Relaford, Desi
Ripken, Billy
Rivera, Ruben
Roberson, Kevin
Robertson, Mike
Rodriguez, Tony
Rolen, Scott
Sabo, Chris
Samuel, Juan
Scarsone, Steve
Schall, Gene
Schofield, Dick
Schu, Rick
Sefcik, Kevin
Selby, Bill
Sheaffer, Danny
Sheets, Andy
Shipley, Craig
Siddall, Joe
Silvestri, Dave
Simms, Mike
Singleton, Duane
Smith, Mark
Smith, Dwight
Snopek, Chris
Spehr, Tim
Spiezio, Scott
Stairs, Matt
Stankiewicz, Andy
Steverson, Todd
Stewart, Shannon
Stillwell, Kurt
Stinnett, Kelly
Stocker, Kevin
Strange, Doug
Stynes, Chris
Sveum, Dale
Sweeney, Mark
Sweeney, Mike
Tarasco, Tony
Tatum, Jim
Tavarez, Jesus
Thompson, Ryan
Thompson, Jason
Thompson, Robby
Thompson, Milt
Timmons, Ozzie
Tinsley, Lee
Tomberlin, Andy
Turner, Chris
Unroe, Tim
Valdes, Pedro
Valle, Dave
Vitiello, Joe
Voigt, Jack
Walbeck, Matt
Walker, Todd
Wallach, Tim
Walton, Jerome
Ward, Turner
Wehner, John
Widger, Chris
Williams, Gerald
Williams, Keith
Williams, George
Williams, Eddie
Wilson, Desi
Wilson, Nigel
Womack, Tony
Worthington, Craig
Young, Ernie
Young, Dmitri
Zaun, Greg
Zuber, Jon
Abbott, Jim
Abbott, Kyle
Acre, Mark
Adamson, Joel
Aguilera, Rick
Alberro, Jose
Aldred, Scott
Alston, Garvin
Alvarez, Tavo
Anderson, Brian
Andujar, Luis
Aucoin, Derek
Ayala, Bobby
Bailey, Roger
Barber, Brian
Barton, Shawn
Batchelor, Rich
Batista, Miguel
Bautista, Jose
Beckett, Robbie
Beech, Matt
Belcher, Tim
Belinda, Stan
Bennett, Erik
Bere, Jason
Bertotti, Mike
Berumen, Andres
Bevil, Brian
Blazier, Ron
Bluma, Jaime
Boehringer, Brian
Boever, Joe
Bohanon, Brian
Bones, Ricky
Borowski, Joe
Bosio, Chris
Boskie, Shawn
Bourgeois, Steve
Boze, Marshall
Brandenburg, Mark
Brewer, Billy
Briscoe, John
Brow, Scott
Bruske, Jim
Bullinger, Jim
Burke, John
Burrows, Terry
Busby, Mike
Byrd, Paul
Campbell, Mike
Carlson, Dan
Carmona, Rafael
Carpenter, Cris
Carrara, Giovanni
Casian, Larry
Castillo, Tony
Castillo, Frank
Chouinard, Bobby
Christopher, Mike
Clark, Terry
Clontz, Brad
Cooke, Steve
Coppinger, Rocky
Corbin, Archie
Crawford, Carlos
Creek, Doug
Cummings, John
Darwin, Jeff
Davis, Tim
Davison, Scott
DeLucia, Rich
Dessens, Elmer
Dewey, Mark
Dickson, Jason
DiPoto, Jerry
Dishman, Glenn
Doherty, John
Dougherty, Jim
Drabek, Doug
Dreifort, Darren
Dyer, Mike
Edenfield, Ken
Eichhorn, Mark
Eischen, Joey
Eldred, Cal
Ellis, Robert
Embree, Alan
Ericks, John
Eshelman, Vaughn
Farmer, Mike
Farrell, John
Fernandez, Osvaldo
Fletcher, Paul
Foster, Kevin
Freeman, Marvin
Frey, Steve
Frohwirth, Todd
Fyhrie, Mike
Garcia, Ramon
Gardner, Mark
Gibson, Paul
Givens, Brian
Gohr, Greg
Granger, Jeff
Graves, Danny
Grimsley, Jason
Gross, Kevin
Grundt, Ken
Gubicza, Mark
Guetterman, Lee
Gunderson, Eric
Habyan, John
Hall, Darren
Hancock, Ryan
Hancock, Lee
Haney, Chris
Hansell, Greg
Hanson, Erik
Harikkala, Tim
Harris, Pep
Harris, Reggie
Hartgraves, Dean
Hawblitzel, Ryan
Hawkins, LaTroy
Haynes, Jimmy
Heflin, Bronson
Henneman, Mike
Henry, Doug
Heredia, Felix
Heredia, Gil
Hermanson, Dustin
Hernandez, Livan
Hitchcock, Sterling
Holt, Chris
Holtz, Mike
Holzemer, Mark
Hook, Chris
Hope, John
Howe, Steve
Hudek, John
Hudson, Joe
Huisman, Rick
Hunter, Rich
Hurst, Bill
Hurtado, Edwin
Jackson, Danny
Jacome, Jason
Janzen, Marty
Jarvis, Kevin
Johns, Doug
Johnson, Dane
Johnstone, John
Jones, Stacy
Jordan, Ricardo
Kamieniecki, Scott
Karchner, Matt
Karl, Scott
Keagle, Greg
Keyser, Brian
Kiefer, Mark
Klingenbeck, Scott
Klink, Joe
Knackert, Brent
Krivda, Rick
Lacy, Kerry
Larkin, Andy
Leftwich, Phil
Leiper, Dave
Leiter, Mark
Leskanic, Curt
Levine, Alan
Lewis, Richie
Lilliquist, Derek
Lima, Jose
Lira, Felipe
Lloyd, Graeme
Loaiza, Esteban
Loiselle, Rich
Lomon, Kevin
Lopez, Albie
Ludwick, Eric
Lyons, Curt
MacDonald, Bob
Maddux, Mike
Maduro, Calvin
Magnante, Mike
Magrane, Joe
Mahomes, Pat
Mantei, Matt
Martinez, Pedro A.
Mathews, Terry
Maxcy, Brian
May, Darrell
McCarthy, Greg
McCaskill, Kirk
McCurry, Jeff
McDowell, Jack
McDowell, Roger
Meacham, Rusty
Mendoza, Ramiro
Menhart, Paul
Mercedes, Jose
Mercker, Kent
Miceli, Dan
Milacki, Bob
Milchin, Mike
Miller, Trever
Miller, Travis
Miller, Kurt
Mills, Alan
Mimbs, Mike
Minchey, Nate
Minor, Blas
Miranda, Angel
Mitchell, Larry
Mlicki, Dave
Moehler, Brian
Mohler, Mike
Monteleone, Rich
Montgomery, Steve
Moore, Marcus
Morel, Ramon
Morman, Alvin
Mulholland, Terry
Munoz, Mike
Munoz, Bobby
Myers, Jimmy
Myers, Mike
Myers, Rodney
Nied, David
Nitkowski, C.J.
Olivares, Omar
Oliver, Darren
Olson, Gregg
Oquist, Mike
Osuna, Al
Pacheco, Alex
Painter, Lance
Pall, Donn
Paniagua, Jose
Parra, Jose
Parris, Steve
Patterson, Danny
Pavlas, Dave
Pavlik, Roger
Pena, Alejandro
Pennington, Brad
Perez, Mike
Person, Robert
Peters, Chris
Polley, Dale
Potts, Mike
Powell, Jay
Pugh, Tim
Quantrill, Paul
Quirico, Rafael
Rapp, Pat
Rekar, Bryan
Remlinger, Mike
Reyes, Al
Reyes, Carlos
Risley, Bill
Ritz, Kevin
Roa, Joe
Robertson, Rich
Robinson, Ken
Rodriguez, Frank
Rodriguez, Nerio
Ruebel, Matt
Ruffcorn, Scott
Ruffin, Johnny
Russell, Jeff
Sackinsky, Brian
Sager, A.J.
Salkeld, Roger
Sanderson, Scott
Sauveur, Rich
Scanlan, Bob
Schmidt, Jeff
Schourek, Pete
Schutz, Carl
Sele, Aaron
Serafini, Dan
Service, Scott
Shepherd, Keith
Silva, Jose
Sirotka, Mike
Small, Aaron
Small, Mark
Smith, Lee
Smith, Zane
Soderstrom, Steve
Sodowsky, Clint
Sparks, Steve
Spoljaric, Paul
Spradlin, Jerry
Springer, Russ
Springer, Dennis
Stephenson, Garrett
Stevens, Dave
Sturtze, Tanyon
Sullivan, Scott
Suppan, Jeff
Suzuki, Mac
Swartzbaugh, Dave
Swift, Bill
Tabaka, Jeff
Tavarez, Julian
Telemaco, Amaury
Telgheder, Dave
Thobe, Tom
Thompson, Mark
Trlicek, Ricky
Urbani, Tom
Valdes, Marc
Valera, Julio
Van Poppel, Todd
Vanegmond, Tim
VanRyn, Ben
Veras, Dario
Veres, Randy
Viola, Frank
Vosberg, Ed
Wade, Terrell
Wagner, Matt
Wagner, Paul
Wainhouse, Dave
Walker, Mike
Walker, Pete
Wall, Donne
Wallace, Derek
Ware, Jeff
Wasdin, John
Watson, Allen
Weathers, David
Wells, Bob
Wengert, Don
West, David
Whitehurst, Wally
Whiteside, Matt
Wickander, Kevin
Wilkins, Marc
Williams, Shad
Williams, Brian
Witasick, Jay
Witt, Bobby
Wojciechowski, Steve
Wolcott, Bob
Woodall, Brad
Wright, Jamey
Yan, Esteban
Young, Anthony
Ken Caminiti
Mariano Duncan
Craig Biggio
Marquis Grissom
Bernard Gilkey
Mark Grace
Orlando Merced
Brian Jordan
Ed Taubensee
Jeromy Burnitz
Pedro Astacio
John Smiley
Tim Worrell
Raul Mondesi
Shane Reynolds
Rondell White
John Mabry
Steve Trachsel
Bill Spiers
Devon White
Mike Lansing